Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

impressive hallmark ad

The story behind Hallmark!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Funny Serta Sheep lolzzzz!

My lovely Serta sheep!!!

This is also great!

This one is always my favourite! It is so quick! It conveys the effective information only in 3 words! So creative and simple!

A really good ad!

The headline is really simple but persuasive! It shows the product's core benefit immediately, and it turns the product's disadvantage to an advantage. So smart!

headline-driven ad!

This ad grabs me at the first glance. The color is really appealing, as well as its simplicity. The headline is powerful and creative. It coonects people by discovering the details in their lives. I love it!

Monday, September 14, 2009

one more!

The tag line is "Harry’s bread. Nice and Soft". It also uses exaggeration to emphasize the products' benefit.

another awesome print ad!

it is a very cool print ad by Frizz skin salon.

Apparently, it uses the compare and contrast strategy. It is really simple and creative. The ad directly shows its benefit by featuring a simple sheet of paper, and we can see the obvious difference between the two parts of the paper.

A great Jeep print ad

I love this ad! It is so cute and creative!
Obviously, the tactic used in the ad is exaggeration. The ad features a baby drinking from a huge canteen with a bottle nipple on it with the caption. The dominant image is appealing. After reading the headline, we can figure out that this ad is trying to telling its audience that Jeep's quality is guarenteed with their extraordinary engineers.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

smart TV ad

This TV commercial uses the story telling tactic smartly. The story itself is quite interesting. Everything seems ordinary until finally the twist---the tag line appears. It makes perfect sense of everything before. I think this TV ad is super creative because you can never figure out the product and the purpose until the tag line pops up. Also, this ad connects the audience by reminding us of our childhood life. I was really surprised in the end and I do like this ad.


I have my google account today!
How exciting it is!?